Monday, August 13, 2012

Last day

Last day at yellowstone was a mixture of feelings: relieved to be going back home and not wearing heavy hiking boots anymore, and sad to be going back home and not wearing hiking boots anymore. I'm going to miss it so much here. It was such a crazy experience that not onlny enlightened me about the world's vast array of abnormal, weird stuctures that dub Yellowstone as their home, but I also learned so much about myself as a person in ways that I can't truly explain. There were times of solitude in which I was able to connect with nature and the diffrent elements that surrounded me, and times of friendship and fun that made me realize how diffrent people can be. The most amazing thing that I never ever expected through this experience is how I only was able to really get a better look into my newfound friendships by sharing the pictures we took. We were in the same place, same time, possibly standing in the same exact spots, yet all of our pictures had a different view, a different feel. I learned that photography allows people to look directly through the eyes of others. This, for some reason, creates a deeper connection that you are unable to obtain any other way in the world. Another thing that has brought me closer to the people around me is facing the elements and new geography together. There were so many funny experiences that occured due to all of our lack of knowladge about the challenges we were facing.
End note: I found the cemetary of Yellowstone that was my secret goal through out the whole trip. I dont know why I wanted to see it so badly, but it interested me deeply.
I am so worn out- deffinatly used our time here to the absolute fullest.
Thank you so much to everyone who made this possible.

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