Friday, August 10, 2012

Why Not to Watch a Disaster Movie Before You Get On a Plane

Oh boy...Jesus must be wondering who Mikayla Kisner is and why she was calling his name so many times today. Well, today I got on an airplane for the first time. I said "Oh Jesus" at every bump. My knuckles were turning white from death-gripping the arm rest. I was scared. I was nervous. I was jittery. I couldn't get the movie Airplane out of my mind (an airplane disaster parody...yes I know, bad idea...but my mom wouldn't let me watch the Land Before Time). The first flight was smooth and I calmed down a bit. The second flight had a bumpy landing but I was okay. The third flight was bumpy. The plane swerved. The plane went in and out of the clouds. I freaked out when I saw the plane U-turn. You know what made this all worth it? Being able to take an amazing photo like this: 


  1. Lmao your welcome btw THE GAME ;)

  2. Hardy har har're darn right not the Land Before Time! But so GLAD you are enjoying yourself! Love, Mom :)
